Did you know that……


  • Your eyes are composed of more than 2 million working part.
  • We all have microscopic creatures lurking in our eyelashes.
  • The average person blinks 12 times per minute – about 10,000 blinks in an average day.
  • There are 3 types of color blindness, total colour blindness, an inability to see one color and an impairment, not loss, of normal color vision. All 3 have sub groups of related specific color vision problems. Also color blindness is more common in males.
  • Only 1/6th of your eyeball is exposed to the outside world.
  • The muscles that move the eye are the strongest relative to their size in the body.
  • Your eyes begin to develop 2 weeks after conception.
  • Your eyelashes work like windshields to catch dust and debris before they reach the eyeball.
  • Your eyes will never wear out.
  • At birth your eyes are about 70% of their adult size, but your nose and ears never stop growing.
  • The entire length of all the eyelashes shed by a human in their life is over 98 feet (30 m).
  • The older we are the less tears we produce.